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  • Barbara Dittmer

How did this all get started?

Well I suppose it started my last year in college when I was forced to take four 400 level history courses in the same semester. Each one had its own term paper, each to be between 10-15 pages or 20-25 pages. I was losing my mind in history sources and texts. So I in my infinite wisdom decided I needed something else to do. So I took up knitting.

In October of 2010 I took a beginners knitting course at Wilde Purls yarn shop in Billings, MT. And so started my love affair with fiber. The store is closed now, but I have fond memories of the women who taught me so much there. Within six months I took up hand spinning, learned to knit socks, hats, and all kinds of other things.

This love of the fiber arts continued until Spring of 2022 when my cousin introduced me to TikTok. My channel, my community, grew slowly and steadily until at the end of February 2023 I could go live. After that things snowballed. So many of my followers and supporters wanted the opportunity to purchase the things I was making that I started looking into how I could make that work. Now on October 13, 2023 my shop website is going to launch.

Thank you for your support. Thank you for encouraging me to take this step. And thank you for helping me keep these old skills alive.

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Oct 15, 2023

So exciting to finally see the website/products you’ve been working so hard on! Amazing stuff, Barbara :)

Barbara Dittmer
Oct 16, 2023
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Thank you for stopping by!


Oct 13, 2023

I love the site so far! Keep spinning!

Barbara Dittmer
Oct 16, 2023
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Thank you!

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